The essential component of any Digital Signage System
With a decade of experience only Sedao allows signage screens to be created with unlimited messages zones, of almost every possible type of media, using Dynamic Design™. Please view here our dynamic Design.
Akeydor offers Sedao for a range of bundled digital signage solutions for the Education, Healthcare, Retail, Corporate and Hospitality sectors. These are suites of products that typically include a software licence and all the hardware needed, tailored to meet the individual needs of a customer.
For a bespoke solution or to discuss integration with your existing systems, please call us on +30 210 7515 977 or email us on
Akeydor’s Digital Signage Software
ImageFlyer lets you create digital presentations showing every piece of information you want on screen, at the same time, without the need to recreate it. Supporting play out of movies, animated images, web pages, PowerPoint®, news feeds and much more simultaneously, ImageFlyer is the ultimate digital signage tool.
Akeydor’s Digital Signage Site Licenses
Sedao, in common with most professional software vendors, offer the option to purchase unlimited use licenses for specific sites in many sectors such as corporate head offices, school campuses, hospitals and factories.
Sedao Unlimited Site licenses
- Are easier to manage
- Are more flexible than single software licenses
- Offer significant cost benefits
- Increase the effectiveness of digital signage
- Ensure you have all the software you need
You may initially be considering digital signage as a tool for reception areas, corridors and public facing areas. Inevitably, once you see the ease and flexibly of Sedao, you will consider it for other areas such as
- Touch screens in classrooms on interactive white boards
- What’s on in conference and meeting rooms
- Way finding or health and safety screens
- Screen savers on your staff’s desktop PCs
- as emergency evacuation screens
- Simple internal information screens next a staff rest room