Akeydor Limited supports and maintains a wide network of Technology Partners, with whom we operate closely together. Our Distribution network extends from South America, to South and Central Europe.


Our Technology Partners single themselves out in the worldwide arenas.


  • Secure and Compliant Remote Administration of PCs, Servers and Mobile Devices

In the development sector of Remote Control of PCs, Servers and Devices for multiple and complex environments. In the  specialized sector for Remote Control designed for Application Developers, and Programmers who build in Remote Control directly into their products. The solutions are specialized for Remote Control of Android Devices, phones and tablets, as well as Windows Mobile, and Windows CE devices. Also Handheld, scanners, cameras and CE based machinery systems.  

  • Classroom Management, Professional Training and Certification

In the development of Classroom Management Software with Certification and Professional Development with inClass Training and Teacher – Student Interaction. 

  • IT Asset Management

In the areas of web based Help Desk with Ticketing, Tracking, Routing and Resolving of IT Support. In the areas of IT Asset Management with Software & Hardware inventory with reports and alerts, Software Distribution and internet & application metering.

  • Security

In the areas of Business EndPoint Protection with multiple layers of business security.Webroot is one of our key solutions in the field.

In the areas of Priviledged Account Management and Security: Thycotic is our key solution: The Global leader of next generation IT security solutions that protect organizations against cyber attacks that use priviledged accounts to strike at the core of the enterprise.

  • In the areas of PC Protection

 HDGUARD was developed for permanent PC protection and reduces maintenance costs and administration time to a minimum without restricting the functionality of the PC in any way. The HDGUARD is cost-effective security software for all application areas in which PCs need specific security because of constantly changing users. Because of that HDGUARD is suited for the safe use of PC systems in schools (and other educational institutions), Internet cafes, libraries and even for Internet PCs at the kiosk. Even office PCs, you can simply and effectively protect with HDGUARD and make it stable and secure.